
Berichte · 21/09/2018
In an interview after a screening of L’Intrus, the filmmaker Claire Denis compared her film to a “boat lost in the ocean drifting.”1 She recalled how, during a discussion following the screening, a confused member of the audience had demanded that she explain, in “plain language,” what the film was “about.” The viewer was offended, Denis explained, probably because he thought that it was a “very arrogant film,” and that the director and her team “didn’t care whether people...
Berichte · 05/09/2018
Websites, programs, apps - talking about IT and online services surrounding us everyday in an academic context, we are often lost for words: their use and presence is too familiar for academic distance, their structure and programming too complex to understand, their impact feels diffuse and diverse. And still, as Jonathan Sterne’s talk on the music mastering service LANDR shows, much can be gained if one is willing to struggle through the complex task of approaching contemporary online...
Berichte · 03/09/2018
Diese Kurzgeschichte entstand in Anlehnung an Christoph Asendorfs Vorlesung "Paul Klee in der Liquid Modernity" am 26.06.2018 im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung. Er blickte jeden Tag auf den See. An launigen Herbstnachmittagen fragte er sich, ob dieser tatsächlich derselbe war wie am Morgen. An langen Sommertagen wirkte der See wie eine Kopie vom Vortag. Wenn er dann in sein Atelier ging, um ihn zu malen, spielten diese Gedanken keine Rolle mehr.
Berichte · 16/07/2018
Dr. Christine von Oertzen präsentierte im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung spannende Einblicke in ihre wissenschaftliche Forschung zu dem Thema „Working with Paper: Gendered Practices in the History of Knowledge“. Das Hauptaugenmerk des Vortrages lag hierbei auf der Soziomaterialität des Papiers, also auf der sozialen Relevanz, die der Werkstoff durch seine Verwendung erlangen kann, sowie auf verschiedensten Kulturpraktiken rund um das Medium Papier und seiner tragenden Rolle zur Konstituierung...
Berichte · 03/05/2018
Mieke Bal’s lecture "Thinking in Film: How Thought Moves" and her exhibition "Reasonable Doubt" at the Atrium of the Institute of Cultural History and Theory offer a glimpse on the possibilities that the vast field of video art has in store for academic practice.